Hi, it's me Harsh Gupta

I am a Computer Science Engineering Student

About Me

  • Name: Harsh Gupta
  • Age:
  • CSE 4th year student

Welcome to my portfolio website!
I am a passionate and dedicated B.Tech Computer Science Engineering student at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai. From programming languages to data structures & algorithms and software development, I have relished every opportunity to explore and learn. My curiosity and drive to innovate have led me to take on various challenging projects and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Through personal projects, I have gained valuable hands-on experience that complements my theoretical understanding, and developed strong teamwork and communication skills. Beyond academics, I am an avid problem-solver and have practiced Data Structures & Algorithms. Additionally, I am actively involved in extracurricular activities, such as playing Cricket and Badminton.


Web Development

Fluent in Front-End & Back-End Development. Experienced in HTML, CSS & JavaScript for Front-End, and PHP & Python for Back-End. Used Frameworks such as Bootstrap, React JS, AJAX, Node.js, JQuery And PHP localhost.

Programming Languages

Fluent in C/C++, Java and OOPS Concepts, along with knowledge of Python, and other coding languages such as JS & PHP. Apart from this, tools like R and MATLAB are also known.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Well-versed with data strucutres like Arrays, Strings, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees , Graphs & HashMaps. Also, deep understanding on algorithms like Sorting, Searching, Recursion, Backtracking & Dynamic Programming.

Machine Learning

Competent in ML & DL models like Random Forest, Decision Drees, KNN, etc. Familiar with packages like scikit-learn, Keras, pandas, NumPy & NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit).

Database & Cloud Services

Possess a strong proficiency in Databases, particularly MySQL, and proficient in executing a wide range of SQL queries. Along with certain level of familiarity with cloud services, specifically Microsoft Azure.


Studied subjects like Cyber Security, IoT, Data Science & Operating Systems. Practiced tools Metasploitable, Packet Tracer & Tableau.


Contact Me

Mail To: harsh2002.gupta@gmail.com

Call / Whatsapp : 9811146789 , 9810123278

Message me at LinkedIn : Harsh Gupta